Wednesday, March 7, 2007

rss feeds

I have completed the 2.0 assignments
#8 and #9 about RSS Feeds. I created a bloglines account, I have chosen a number of feeds and put them on my site and also found library-related feeds as required in this 2.0 assignment. I don't write much on the bloglines blog but I do look at the feeds on a regular basis.


Jean said...

Susan, did you figure out how to post RSS feeds to your blog at I would really like to have everything in one place. The other option may be to post RSS feeds to my Google homepage.

susan said...

Jean: the only way I can see to do it is to copy a URL but it doesn't separate them out like bloglines does. Creating an account on bloglines is an assignment down the road and that is where I have my feeds located. There may be a way but I haven't figured it out.