Saturday, June 23, 2007


The public services staff has been helping people learn about netlibrary for quite a while and patrons are really excited about it. We are still letting new people know all the time that it is available for them. Today I had a dad and daughter who signed up for it and as they were walking away he put his arm around her shoulder and said, "we have just opened up a whole new world for ourselves." That is what it is all about - helping people discover all those whole new worlds out there,whether it is netlibrary or some other new resource it is fun and educational to share the knowledge with people.
I think it can be a little confusing when people are trying to figure out the difference between the electronic books and the e-books and learn what equipment works and what doesn't. I think the help section at netlibrary does a nice job of answering the questions that most people have concerning the resource.